Embedding Twine Stories in WordPress or HTML
Guide: How to Embed a Twine Story in WordPress or HTML
Create your twine story an save it as HTML
Using Twine (twinery.org), create your interactive story and save it as an HTML file.
Save the story on your website
Import the story into your website and save it in a publicly accessible directory. If you’re using WordPress, we recommend utilizing the media library, similar to how you would handle an image.
Embed the Twine Story in a Post
You can now embed your Twine story in any post using an iframe. For example, in our post Cyber security: Come leggere l’emal? we simply insert the following code:
<iframe style=”border: none;” src=”path/file-twine.html” width=”100%” height=”600″>
Adjust the “src” attribute to reflect the actual path and filename of your Twine story.